Dikduk Class #1- August 2014: The Letters, Consonants and the Tenu'ot (vowels) from the book Peninim BeDiqduq by Rabbi David Masri (contact me for Purchase of book).
Dikduk Class #2- August 6th 2014: The Rules of Sheva Na' (שוא נע) and Sheva Nahh (שוא נח)
Dikduk Class #3 (Part I)- August 19th 2014: Part I- The Rules of Daghesh Qal (דגש קל)
Dikduk Class #3 (Part II)- August 19th 2014: The Exceptions to the Daghesh Qal (דגש קל) Exception
Dikduk Class #3 (Part III)- August 19th 2014: Other Rules of Daghesh Qal